Wednesday, August 16, 2006

3D Chalk Art on Street / Sidewalk by Julian Beever

Now how many times have we thought to ourselves that those magic men on television are probably conmen? The reason being they churn out the must unthinkable magic tricks, it’s as though things appear and disappear via thin air right in front of our eyes. Well, magic you may or may not have faith in, but what do you say to someone who compels you to think with the help of his 3D chalk art on street.

Julian Beever is an English artist who's famous for his art on the pavements of England , France , Germany , USA , Australia and Belgium . It's particularity because Beever gives to his drawings an anamorphous, his images are drawn completely diforms which give a 3D image when viewing on the right angle.

Yes you’re right, he’s a genius of sorts and surely he knows that. He has truly taken chalk art to a whole new dimension where finding reasons is not going to help. You’re just left wondering is this even possible or is this real. Well logic says it’s real, only I can’t figure how. Maybe he uses special chalk, never heard of anything like that but who knows. His 3D chalk art on sidewalk actually transforms the street into a new avatar every time he sits to draw.

Thanks Kathleen


  1. That man is so talented.

  2. Anonymous1:00 PM

    He put lot of effort on his artwork. Very time consuming but the finishing is very impressive. Thanks for the video. I got the idea how he made it.

  3. Very interesting picture.


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