Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Teddy Bear Dogs

Dogs are everyone’s favorite, but teddy bear dogs are extremely lovable. Their look is very innocent and they have glass beads for eyes that will melt your heart. There is confusion about the breed of these dogs, as one group of people think they are a mix of two breeds, while others disagree.

This collection has pictures of the most adoring teddy bear dogs, and they are all in different situations. They are all of different shapes and sizes, and colors too.

There is a brown dog, dark brown, fawn colored and cream too. They are sitting or standing in different positions and all the pictures have been captured well. The best of the lot is the dog looking straight into the camera, as it has an excellent expression. Dog lovers will have a treat with these pictures and make them into a collection.

These dogs are small and adorable, and will make a good picture on your desktop. It is ideal for youngsters who want some attractive pictures. All the dogs are extremely furry, and look very cuddly. Anyone looking at these pictures will want to hold these dogs. These pictures of the teddy bear dogs should not be missed.

dog pile
dog picture
teady bear dog
dog breed
dog breeder
cute dog
dog grooming
dog snoop
teddy bear dog

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  1. Anonymous10:05 AM

    They are SOOO CUUUUUUTE!!!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous11:08 PM

    this dog is absolutely beautiful! Where did you buy him/her?

  3. Actually they are not belong to me. I got these pictures from my friend (forwarded mail).

  4. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Do you know what mix/or what kennel this dog came from? The dog is adorable! I want one for my 5 yr. old daughter.

  5. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I would also LOVE to know what breed this dog is and where is was bought. I have been looking at what dog to get and I think this dog is perfect.

  6. Anonymous9:38 AM

    the teddys are a cross breed between a shitzu and a bichon frise(spelling probably wrong). I just bought one yesterday from a breeder in Freemont, WI


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