Earless Cat ~ Splendid Pictures Around The Net

Friday, March 31, 2006

Earless Cat

Earless cats have very small ears, and not many people know of such cats. These cats are domestic cats, and the three good pictures of these cats are adorable. There are two white and one fawn colored cat, and the photographs have been captured well. One of them is about the cat sitting on a teddy bear, and this will entertain children a lot.

These pictures are a source of information to those who have not seen earless cats. They will be an eye opener, as there is a brief write up about these cats. The cats in the photographs are very beautiful to look at, as they have lovely fur and very big eyes. Cat lovers will make these a part of their collection for sure.

Though there are only three pictures, they are all of excellent quality. Though people might think that earless cats are those without ears, these pictures will allow them to see the cats with tiny ears. The pictures talk about the innocence of these pets, and one will want to pet them while looking at them. For cat lovers and non-lovers, this is going to be a delight as it could form a good collection.

earless cat
a tiny ear cat
cat and teady bear


Anonymous said...

So cute that cat, I also have cat ,but it's ear normal

Anonymous said...

this is a scottish fold? i thought they had actual folded ears, i have seen pix of them. but whatever its' breed, it IS adorable

Anonymous said...

my aunt has a long haired scottish fold cat... they're cutesy, but expensive!

Anonymous said...

It is a scottish fold, they're my absolute favorite cats. They're soooo adorable. I just wanna cuddle with one for ever!

Anonymous said...

those pictures are going to haunt me for the rest of my life.

Anonymous said...

Have you added these pics to Kittenwar?

fizdane said...

Thanks for all comments :)

El Rancherito, I didn't add yet to that site.

Anonymous said...

i cannot believe that so many people think that is cute! It is definately freaky. And you say they cost a lot, why would spend soo much money on a genetically handicaped freak cat? WOW that is all i can say.

Anonymous said...

Evil I tell ya!

Anonymous said...

Aw That Poor Cat ='( That's Mean! Mean I Tell Ya!

Anonymous said...

sowwwwwwwwwwwwwww cute!

Anonymous said...

where can I get a cat like that from ?? and how much would it cost ? any other links or pics ?

Becky said...

Look at those big teddy bear like eyes! OH MY!! I NEED ONE!

Skanky Mayfield Cat said...

Here is an Earless Asian Cat..



fizdane said...

funny :D
thanks for the photo

but poor that cat ;)

Long Beach Bankruptcy Lawyer said...

I mean I just read through the entire article of yours and it was quite good but since I'm more of a visual learner,I found that to be more helpful well let me know how it turns out

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