Saturday, July 08, 2006
Anacondas Around The World
Anacondas (Jibóia and Sucuri, local names) are four species of aquatic boa snake inhabiting the swamps and rivers of the dense forests of tropical South America as well as the southern swamps of the island of Trinidad. The Yellow Anaconda can be found as far south as Argentina.
There are two possible origins for the word 'anaconda': It is perhaps an alteration of the Sinhalese word 'henakanday', meaning 'whip snake', or more likely, the Tamil word 'anaikondan', which means 'elephant killer', as early Spanish settlers in South America referred to the anaconda as 'matatoro', or 'bull killer'. It is unclear how the name originated so far from the snake's native habitat; it is likely due to its vague similarity to the large Asian pythons. [wikipedia]
Tags : animal , anaconda , boa , phython
most of those are pythons, not anaconda