Artistry on Stones ~ Splendid Pictures Around The Net

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Artistry on Stones

These are unique paintings by stone and pastel artist, Suzi Chua. Pretty amazing artwork. They make great gifts for all occasion. More stone art at

universal stone and art - baby orangutan paint on stone
beauty and uniqueness of all animals and colours on earth
splendid artwork of stone art - tea time set
stone painting demostration. how to paint step by step
stone and pastel artist
animal painting on stone
special gift from Malaysia - orangutan stone
stone and potrait painting
art piece of animal painting
creative hand work
very detail painting
pet painting on rock
cute dinner plate art
horbill paintThanks Chua Eng

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Anonymous said...

I happen to think the are beautifully painted by a beautiful person!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Suzi's rocks are absolutely incredible! I love them all!

Anonymous said...

Suzi, you are one incredible artist. Your love of God, people, and art come through on each and every one of your pieces. Your website is wonderful as well...full of gorgeous stones and rocks!

Wow Gold said...

Very Beautiful images.

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