The Sultan's Elephant (Giant Mechanical Elephant) ~ Splendid Pictures Around The Net

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Sultan's Elephant (Giant Mechanical Elephant)

The Sultan's Elephant is a show created by the Royal de Luxe theatre company, involving a huge moving mechanical elephant and other associated public art installations. In French it is called La visite du sultan des Indes sur son éléphant à voyager dans le temps (literally, "Visit From The Sultan Of The Indies On His Time-Traveling Elephant").

The elephant is made mostly of wood, and is operated by over ten puppeteers using a mixture of hydraulics and motors. It weighs 42 tons, as much as 7 African elephants. A replica of the elephant was built in Nantes (France) in 2007, as part of the Machines of the Isle of Nantes permanent exhibition. (wikipedia)

giant mechanical elephant in london
giant elephant resting
giant mechanical elephant and giant girl with lollypop
the sultan's elephant strike london town
mechanical robotic elephant walking in london street
people show interest to unsual show
mechanical beast spraying water to the crowd


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