Google's Wonderful Office in Zurich ~ Splendid Pictures Around The Net

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Google's Wonderful Office in Zurich

Let's have virtual tour inside Google office in Zurich. The interior design is very unique, spacious and with many elegant elements.

They have everything a person needs in there and even more. They have massage chairs, slides, pool tables, foosball and other games, private cabins and much more. Built-in with micro kitchen that all staffs can get free breakfast and dinner. Besides, they have library and amazing space to hangout with colleagues. There are no reason that make they think to change to other place.

I think this is the best working environment in the world. Stress less staffs produce more productivity rather than typical 9 to 5 staffs.

Google office front desk.
Feel bored, the pool table provided to release staffs' stress
Image playing games with big screen.
firemen hole to move from up floor to down floor within seconds
discussion room with round curtain for private discussion? A google secret maybe
relaxing body with massage chair while resting the eyes viewing cute marine life in aquarium
hanging chair just make you at home
igloo style working space
non formal spot for discussion for the next project
tech spot for making tea or coffee
in Google office, they made movement simple. You dont need stair to get down from second floor to first floor. Just slide and you reach down just a few seconds
micro kitchen for free breakfast and dinner.

Let see the video :


david hayes said...

Wow. I never thought I'd be interested in working for Google, but that office is cool enough that I'd consider it.

Anonymous said...

Looks a lot better than cubicles

Unknown said...

it really looks as the perfect work environment i ever saw so far

creative helping environment

The Atom said...

Wow!! Who wouldn't give in all the efforts (if they need to make any) of they work there!! i can only imagine they level of productivity and creativity that must be oozing in there!! I would do any kinda work if I get to do it in that office!! ;-) LOL!! Cool pictures! :-)

Renegade said...

Sweet! I wanna go to work there!!!

Check out Renegade's BS

Anonymous said...

Hey, I think I'd like to work wonder they are such creative people! :OD

Anonymous said...

It's certainly an amazing environment to work in. But I'm not surprised at this. I heard way back when they were not the Google we know now, they provided their employees with in-house masseuse.

YS said...

wow cool

apad 2 said...

So, I don't actually suppose this may have success.

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