After Ice Rain in China ~ Splendid Pictures Around The Net

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

After Ice Rain in China

Last time we saw very bad winter in Switzerland that froze almost its environment. This time we have another freaking cold science phenomenal. Ice rain in China that make nice looking crystal shape of leaves and flowers.

crystal of flower after ice rain

this phenomenon look like ice carving

it not come from snow.

It happened when the temperature is below the freeze level

frozen tree

idea for ice carving

garden of ice

garden of ice shard

ice garden

frosty leaves

glass of flower garden

green trees now turn into icy trees

crystal leave

very nice leave shape of ice

frozen leave

landscape with Olympic logo


Anonymous said...


Connie Marie said...

Beautiful and treacherous!

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful! I've never seen anything like this. But then again I live in warmer climates.

Anni said...

Thats so cool!

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