Coffee Art (for all the coffee lovers) ~ Splendid Pictures Around The Net

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Coffee Art (for all the coffee lovers)

There is a restaurant in Vancouver that dresses up the lattes. You get to watch them create the pictures.What can be done with coffee, cream, milk & imagination.

Check it out the previous post too. (Coffee Art)

coffee decoration - planet

funny monkey face on coffee

a cup of coffee for lover

heart-shaped coffee design

high grade cofee for loving couple

white coffee with flower decoration

special mixed cofee with splendid art

fish in your cofee

moon and star for fresh milk in coffee

latte butterfly

creamy capucino with spiral flower design

fresh blended coffee with nice aroma make to want more

mocha with teddy bear

Thank Julie


Rusty said...

I know how I want my coffee served!

44frames said...

This site is interesting, could you plz advise on my site on photos to make it more powerful.


AmyOops said...

how cool. I love coffee, coffee, coffee..

Tamara said...

Gorgeous. Only problem is... your coffee would go cold!

(And, I suppose, you wouldn't wanna drink it coz you'd have to ruin the picture.)

Tizzalicious said...

Ooh, how awesome! I wish I could do that!

Zug said...

Love the site! Where in Vancouver is this? We will be visiting there in May, and I would love to stop into this place, if we can.

ujungsenja said...

delicious site. hahahaha. nyamnyam.

sumit said...

U make coffee look yummier , i can pay much amount to hava a cup like this
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Chabeli said...


Diane Dehler said...

This is amazing and I would like a moon cup of coffee.

Batman said...

i have never seen coffee served like this before - stunning artwork! (altho yes, the coffee might not be hot...)

Anonymous said...

Hey, the fourth one down is quite a common design here in Melbourne's coffee scene, along with something that looks like a tree. Luv that coffee! :OD

Jeannie Lindley said...

What restaurant is this from, please?

Anonymous said...

these are great..but not all from the same restaurant, probably four different ones (cups/saucers are different)

try these guys in Vancouver. several locations, baristas that place top3 pretty often in int'l barista competitions...

Andy said...

If you serve me those coffee, I might not drink them lol. They're very pleasant to the eyes. :)

Btw, for iPhone users/coffee lovers. I downloaded this cool application CoffeeSpot. It lists 20 closest coffee shops to your current location. How cool is that? :D Here's the site :

Bye, Starbucks is 2 blocks away from my location :)

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